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Caitlin Demsky

Title: Associate Professor of Management
Office: 345 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-2122
Email: [email protected]

Portland State University, Ph.D. Industrial & Organizational Psychology

Dr. Caitlin Demsky received a Ph.D. in Industrial & Organizational Psychology from Portland State University. Her research interests include workplace aggression, recovery from work demands, work-life balance, occupational health psychology, and employee stress and well-being. She has published in the Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, Organizational Dynamics, and The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, and her research has been presented at various conferences, including the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and Work, Stress, and Health.

Teaching interests: 
Introduction to Organizational Behavior; Introduction to Human Resource Management

Research interests: 
Workplace mistreatment; recovery from work demands; work-life balance; occupational health psychology; employee stress and well-being; organizational interventions


Central Michigan University 10 Within 10 Award, Central Michigan University, June 2020

2020 Inspiration Award, OU Honors College, March 2020

Travel Grant for Lilly Conference on Advancing Teaching and Learning, OU Center for Excellence in Teaching and Learning, June 2019

Oakland University Founder's Day Recognition - Outstanding Research, Oakland University, April 2019

Oakland University Founder's Day Recognition - Outstanding Teaching, Oakland University, April 2019

PI Academy for Research and Engagement Participant, Oakland University Office of Research, June 2017

Nominee - Outstanding Student Organization Adviser, Center for Student Activities and Leadership Development, March 2017

Early Career Fellowship, Work and Family Researchers Network, October 2015

Graduate Research Fellowship, National Science Foundation, June 2012

Journals and Articles:

Demsky, C. (2024). Introducing HRM Students to Evidence-Based Stress Management Strategies: A Semester-Long Experiential Assignment. Journal of Human Resources Education, 24. http://journals.troy.edu/index.php/JHRE/article/view/515

Demsky, C. A., Fritz, C. , Ellis, A. M.(2021). Better work for a better weekend: Relationships between job performance, positive affect, and pleasurable weekend experiences.. Occupational Health Science. 24

York, K. M., Thrasher, G. , Savage, N. , Kang, J. , Hammond, M. , Demsky, C. , Barclay, L. (2021). Careers Roundtable: An Exercise for Student Career Exploration and Future Development. Journal of Behavioral and Applied Management. 100-112

Hammond, M. , Murphy, C. , Demsky, C. (2020). Stress Mindset and the Work-Family Interface. International Journal of Manpower. 42(1), 31

Demsky, C. A.(2019). Unpacking the Role of Power in Incivility. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice. 10

Demsky, C. A., Fritz, C. , Hammer, L. B., Black, A. E.(2019). Workplace Incivility and Employee Sleep: The Role of Rumination and Recovery Experiences. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 24(2), 228 - 240

Demsky, C. (2018). Making and Managing the Pitch: Selling I-O Psychology Research to Organizations. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice. 8

Yragui, N. L., Demsky, C. A., Hammer, L. B., Van Dyck, S. , Neradilek, M. B.(2016). Linking workplace aggression to employee well-being and work: The moderating role of family-supportive supervisor behaviors (FSSB).. Journal Of Business And Psychology. 1-18

Demsky, C. A., Ellis, A. M., Fritz, C. (2014). Shrugging it off: Does psychological detachment mediate the relationship between workplace aggression and work-family conflict?. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology. 19195-205

Fritz, C. , Ellis, A. M., Demsky, C. A., Lin, B. C., Guros, F. (2013). Embracing work breaks: Recovering from stress. Organizational Dynamics/Elsevier. 42274-280

Books and Chapters:

Thrasher, G. Baltes, B. Demsky, C. (2022). Age and managing the work-nonwork interface. (pp. 29). Other.

Fritz, C. Demsky, C. (2019). Nonwork time as individual resource building: A review and research agenda. (pp. 31). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Demsky, C. (2017). Detachment. (pp. 19). Springer.

Wilkinson, M. Demsky, C. (2016). Microbreaks. (pp. 3). Sage Publications.

Hammer, L. Demsky, C. Kossek, E. Bray, J. (2015). Work-Family intervention research. (pp. 15). Oxford Handbooks Online.

Hammer, L. Demsky, C. (2014). Introduction to work-life balance. (pp. 95-116). Wiley.

Other Publications:

Demsky, C. (2018). Manage and survive bad behavior at work. (pp. 11). Industrial Management.

Demsky, C. Fritz, C. Relationships between Work Experiences and the Occupational Safety, Health, & Well-being of USDA Forest Service Region 3 Employees. (pp. 88). Unpublished.

School of Business Administration

Elliott Hall, Room 427
275 Varner Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4485
(location map)