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Xiaodong Deng

Title: Professor of Management Information Systems
Office: 340 Elliott Hall
Phone: (248) 370-4089
Email: [email protected]

The University of Toledo, Ph.D. Manufacturing Management and Engineering

Teaching interests: 
Systems Analysis and Design, Introductions to MIS, Databases, Business Project Development, SQL, Web Application Development, Programming Languages

Research interests: 
Behavioral issues in using information technology for business, Information technology diffusion, innovation, and learning, supply chain management, empowerment, self-efficacy, computer privacy policy, virtual team, structural equation modeling


Best Paper in Information Technology and Management category, International Academy of Business/ International Educators Group, April 2017

Midwest Fellow, Midwest Decision Sciences Institute, April 2017

Best Theory-Driven Empirical Research Paper, Decision Sciences Institute, November 2014

Best Track (Knowledge Systems) Paper Nomination, HICSS 46, January 2013

Innovative Education Best Paper Award, Midwest Decision Sciences Institute/Alpha Iota Delta, April 2010

Teaching Excellence, School of Business Administration, August 2006

Research Award, Oakland University, April 2006

OU Campus News (April 18, 2005), Oakland University - OU Campus News (April 18, 2005), April 2005

Journals and Articles:

Liao, K. , Deng, X. , Liao, Y. , Zhang, Q. (2020). Supplier Empowerment: Mediating Situational Factors and Perceived Performance. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management. 42

Stanton II, S. , Kim, J. , Thor, J. , Deng, X. (2019). Incentivized methods to generate electronic word-of-mouth: Implications for the resort industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 78142-149

Wu, Q. , Liao, K. , Deng, X. , Marsillac, E. (2019). Achieving Automotive Suppliers' Mass Customization through Modularity: Vital Antecedents and the Valuable Role and Responsibility of Information Sharing. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management. 31(2), 24

Liao, K. , Deng, X. , Wang, Y. , Bayazit, O. (2019). Proposing a Framework for Developing Supply Chains of Medical Devices. Operations and Supply Chain Management: An International Journal.. 12(3), 12

Deng, X. (2018). A Conceptual Framework of Empowering Knowledge-Workers to Enact Security Practices. American Journal of Information Technology. 8(1/2), 18

Zheng, Y. , Wang, J. , Doll, W. J., Deng, X. , Williams, M. (2018). The impact of organizational support, technical support, and self�efficacy on faculty perceived benefits of using learning management system. Behavior and Information Technology. 26

Ghosh, K. , Khuntia, J. , Chawla, S. , Deng, X. (2014). Media Reinforcement for Psychological Empowerment in Chronic Disease Management. Communications of the AIS. 34419-438

Liao, K. , Deng, X. , Marsillac, E. (2013). Factors That Influence Chinese Automotive Suppliers’ Mass Customization Capabilities. International Journal of Production Economics. 25-36

Wang, J. , Doll, W. J., Deng, X. , Park, K. , Yang, M. (2013). The Impact of Faculty Perceived Reconfigurability of Learning Management Systems on Effective Teaching Practices. Computer & Education. 61146-157

Deng, X. , Sharma, S. (2012). ADOPTION OF PERSON DIGITAL ASSISTANTS: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY. American Journal of Information Technology/International Academy of Business. 31-42

Muhammed, S. , Doll, W. J., Deng, X. (2011). Impact of Knowledge Management Practices on Task Knowledge: An Individual Level Study. International Journal of Knowledge Management. 7(4), 1-21

Doll, W. J., Deng, X. (2011). Antecedents of Improvisation in IT-Enabled Engineering Work. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing. 23(3), 26-47

Simon, M. , Kim, J. , Georgia State University, H. S., Deng, X. (2011). When It's Right to be Wrong: Overconfidence Effects on Product Introductions in Dynamic Markets. Journal of Small Business Strategy. 14(2), 30

Doll, W. J., Deng, X. (2010). A Technology Empowerment Model for Engineering Work. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems. 41(4), 52-74

Wang, J. , Doll, W. J., Deng, X. (2010). A Model of Systems Reconfigurability and Pedagogical Usability in an E-Learning Context: A Faculty Perspective. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing. 22(3), 70-85

Muhammed, S. , Doll, W. J., Deng, X. (2009). A Model of Interrelationships Among Individual Level Knowledge Management Success Measures. International Journal of Knowledge Management. 5(1), 1-16

Deng, X. , Doll, W. J., Al-Gahtani, S. S., Larsen, T. J., Pearson, J. M., Raghunathan, T. (2008). A Cross-Cultural Analysis of the End-User Computing Satisfaction Instrument: A Multi-Group Invariance Analysis. Information & Management. 45(4), 211-220

Deng, X. , Doll, W. J., Cao, M. (2008). Exploring the absorptive capacity to innovation/productivity link for individual engineers engaged in IT enabled work. Information & Management. 45(2), 75-87

Lauer, T. , Deng, X. (2007). Building Online Trust through Privacy Practices.. The International Journal of Information Security (IJIS). 6(5), 323-331.

Deng, X. , Doll, W. J., Hendrickson, A. R., Scazzero, J. A.(2005). A multi-group analysis of structural invariance: An illustration using the technology acceptance model. Information & Management. 42(5), 745-759

Deng, X. , Doll, W. J., Truong, D. (2004). Computer self-efficacy in an ongoing use context. Behavior and Information Technology. 23(6), 395-412

Doll, W. J., Deng, X. , Raghunathan, T. S., Torkzadeh, G. , Xia, W. (2004). The Meaning and Measurement of User Satisfaction: A Multi-group Invariance Analysis of the End-User Computing Satisfaction Instrument. Journal of Management Information Systems. 21(1), 237-274

Doll, W. J., Deng, X. , Scazzero, J. A.(2003). A Process for Post-implementation IT Benchmarking. Information & Management. 41(2), 199-212

Doll, W. J., Deng, X. (2001). The Collaborative Use of Information Technology: End-user Participation and System Success. Information Resources Management Journal. 14(2), 6-16

Zheng, Y. , Wang, J. , Doll, W. , Deng, X. , Williams, M. (2000). The impact of organisational support, technical support, and self-efficacy on faculty perceived benefits of using learning management system. Behavior and Information Technology. 37(4), 311-319

Rao, S. S., Nahm, A. , Shi, Z. , Deng, X. , Syamil, A. (1999). Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems Applications in New Product Development - A Survey. Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing. 10(3-4), 231-244

Doll, W. J., Hendrickson, A. R., Deng, X. (1998). Using Davis' Perceived Usefulness and Ease of Use Instruments for Decision-making: A Confirmatory and Multigroup Invariance Analysis. Decision Sciences (Journal of). 29(4), 839-869

Doll, W. J., Deng, X. , Hendrickson, A. (1998). Using the Technology Acceptance Model to Predict Usage: A Multi-group Analysis of Structural Invariance. Decision Sciences (Journal of). 29(4), 839-869

Books and Chapters:

Muhammed, S. Doll, W. Deng, X. (2011). Measuring Knowledge Management Outcomes at the Individual Level: Towards a Tool for Research on Organizational Culture. In M. E. Jennex (eds.), Global Aspects and Cultural Perspectives on Knowledge Management: Emerging Dimensions. (pp. 1-18). IGI Global.

Muhammed, S. Doll, W. Deng, X. (2010). Developing Individual Level Outcome Measures in the Context of Knowledge Management Success. In M. E. Jennex and S. Smolnik (eds.), Strategies for Knowledge Management Success: Exploring Organizational Efficacy. (pp. 106-127). IGI Global.

Doll, W. Deng, X. (2002). The Collaborative Use of Information Technology: End-user Participation and System Success. (pp. 184-203). Advanced Topics in Information Resources Management.

Other Publications:

Schiele, J. Deng, X. The acquisition of consulting services by public sector organizations located in the United States and Canada: An empirical test of a model for the meaningful involvement of public procurement. (pp. 34). International Journal Of Operations And Production Management.

Reddy, A. Deng, X. Lauer, T. (2004). Antecedents of Improvisations at an Individual Level in Software Development. (pp. 7361-7366). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Muhammed, S. Deng, X. Doll, W. (2004). Problem Solving Style In Computer Usage for Problem Solving And Decision. (pp. 3951-3956). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Doll, W. Deng, X. Cao, M. (2004). The Impact of IT Learning Capabilities on Computer-Mediated Engineering Design Work. (pp. 3581-3586). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Doll, W. Deng, X. Subedi, D. (2002). End-user Continuous Improvement Efforts and Information Technology's Impact on Work. (pp. 1180-1185). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Sharma, S. Deng, X. (2002). An Empirical Investigation of Factors Affecting the Acceptance of Person Digital Assistants (PDA) by Individuals. (pp. 1829-1834). 2002 Eighth Americas Conference on Information Systems.

Doll, W. Deng, X. (2001). Making Effective Use of Information Technology (IT) Applications via Autonomous Learning and Induced Learning at an Individual Level. (pp. 1255). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Deng, X. Rajagopalan, B. Krovi, R. (2001). Exploring Differential Impacts of Autonomous Learning and Induced Learning End-user Software Training. (pp. 76-79). Americas Conference on Information Systems,.

Deng, X. Doll, W. (2001). Using a Learning Curve to Manage an Individual End-user's Learning of Information Technology Applications. (pp. 114-116). Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Doll, W. Deng, X. (1999). Learning through New Product Development. (pp. 1090). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Kim, K. Deng, X. (1999). Determinants of Manufacturing Strategy Shifts. (pp. 192). Northeast Decision Sciences Institute Conference.

Doll, W. Deng, X. (1999). Should End-users Participate as Much as They Want in the Development of Collaborative Applications?. (pp. 5). Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Deng, X. (1998). Using House of Quality for Fuzzy Front-End of the Product Development. (pp. 1310-1312). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Deng, X. Syamil, A. Rao, S. (1998). The Use of Artificial Intelligent in Fuzzy Front-end of New Product Development. (pp. 84-89). the 34th Annual Meeting of Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA).

Deng, X. (1997). Evaluating the Effective Usage of QFD as a Tool for Products Development. (pp. 5). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Doll, W. Deng, X. (1997). Measuring User Participation in Systems Development: A Confirmatory Analysis and Cross-validation. (pp. 788-790). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Deng, X. (1997). The Impact of Organizational Culture on Manufacturing Capabilities. (pp. 4). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Doll, W. Hendrickson, A. Deng, X. (1997). The Need for Caution in Using the Perceived Usefulness/Ease of Use Instruments for Decision-making: A Multi-group Analysis of Factorial Invariance. (pp. 750-752). Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute.

Deng, X. (1997). A Conceptual Model for Positioning Quality into Product Design. (pp. 18-23). the 33rd Annual Meeting of Midwest Business Administration Association (MBAA).

School of Business Administration

Elliott Hall, Room 427
275 Varner Drive
Rochester, MI 48309-4485
(location map)